Px4 Compact Grey For Sale
The Px4 Compact Grey online. While this can be completely hidden, the Compact offers a full grip for most shooters. Compact provides 16 round capacity (15+1 in 9mm), an accessory rail, a new integral, a low-profile slide stop, and retractable lanyard loop, and a cold-hammer-forged barrel for maximum precision. The compact Px4 family also has a rotating cylinder system.
Locate a Beretta Dealer closest to you. But the Baretta px4 Compact Carry was developed with custom features to provide a lightweight hammer-fired concealed carry gun with Ernest Langdon.
Around 2015, Earnest started hitting the internet forums talking about the px4 storm being his new Glock 19. Not long after, the PX4 Compact Carry became a thing. But it was Earnest’s idea of what the PX4 should be. The rest is history.
The rotating barrel system leads to radial dissipation of recoil energy, significantly reducing perceived recoil and facial growth. See the entire family of beretta compact models here.
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